1,He lives in Sydney.(强调居住)
2, He's from Newcastle-enough said! (强调来自)
3, He was born and raised in New Zealand.(强调出生并且生长的地方是。。。)
4, He hails from the land down under.(强调出身,背景等)
5, He is an ex-patriot from England.(强调国籍)
6, You can call him a Sydneysider.(名词性)
7, I am looking for someone who calls himself/herself... (动词性)
8, Who do you call yourself?(反身代词)
9, We called on everyone we knew to help with the campaign. (名词性)
10, She gave her name as 'Jane Doe'.(名词性)
11, The police are investigating his background, including his address history. (包括他的地址历史在内。。。)
12, There has been speculation that he was planning to move into politics full-time and run for office. (他可能打算全职投身政治并且竞选)
13, A spokesman for Premier Bob Carr says the government won't be rushing out any statements about Mr Rudd's personal life until it knows more about what happened. (直到它知道更多关于发生了什么才会发布关于。。。的事情的政府声明)