不才刚刚从港中大硕士毕业,对中大山河还比较熟悉,勉强答得够专业吧~ 港中大的校区分新界和九龙两个部分。本部位于新界的沙田市区,占地面积不大,但各类建筑相当密集。除了教学楼、宿舍楼之外,还有图书馆、食堂以及校内商场等。
图1是校园的卫星地图(百度地图);图2是校园内一个典型的十字路口。从图中可以看到,学校内道路极为错综复杂,如果没有地图的话很容易迷路。不过好在校园并不大,且建筑风格一致,因此只要记住几个重要建筑物所在的位置,就不会走丢了。 中大的校训“求真知、学做真人”,用英文写上后就是The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded in the year of 1963 and it is situated in the suburbs of Sheung Tin where the campus covers an area of about fifteen hectares. The university has two campuses, namely one on the mainland and another in Kowloon. In addition to its four undergraduate faculties, the university houses a number of research centers including the Center for Asian Studies, the Center for Educational Development, etc. In short the university provides broad based education in many fields ranging from science to humanities. 引用自校官网