

1. 数据有出处吗?还是考生感觉?如果感觉,有没有具体的数据支持呢? 我看好多回答都是考生的感觉,没有具体的数据支持呢~如果仅仅依据考生的感觉来论证问题,那这个研究也没有多大的意义了呀... 2. 中国考生和英国考生的题型难度能比吗?

3. 这个图是不是说明中国学生回答的问题比别的国家的学生复杂啊?那为什么得分还这么低呢? 因为不了解题主的答题情况,所以不能很准确地判断是什么原因导致题目简单、字数要求少,得分仍然很低。 但是要说明的一点是中国学生的语法错误率确实很高。那么除了语法错误之外,还有可能导致小分6以下的原因有什么呢?

一是因为用词不够准确,比如题目问的是“是否赞成……?”而考生回答的是“The trend of…."当然这个问题问的是趋势,但是回答的主语是那个问题的主体,显然答得比较宽泛且与题目要求不符;



以上原因都有可能让一个考生明明回答了问题却拿不到高分~~ 所以题主可以根据自己考试的情况分析看看到底是哪方面的语言能力欠缺呢~~是语法?词汇?句子结构?还是逻辑?然后针对性地提高即可啦!


A country with a greater proportion of young people has some advantageous aspects and some drawbacks.

One obvious advantage is that young people are usually very energetic and very optimistic. They are not easily frightened by difficulties in lifE. They are willing to confront the challenges and believe that anything can happen. Young people always have new and original ideas which are helpful to the development of society. In a more specific way, if a country wants to develop its football industry, it is a good idea to introduce foreign famous footballer. Although this athlete is old and no longer plays football, he may spend his time training teenagers who have great potential.

However, too many young people may bring some problems. Young people lack practical experience and sometimes tend to make wrong decisions based on their insufficient knowledge. The government needs to spend more money on healthcare and education because young people usually need guidance. This has negative impacts on other areas of investment. For some companies, they do not want to establish their office in this kind of country because of the shortage of skilled and experienced workers.
