

我同学有被邀请的,不过一般只给成绩特别优秀的申请者,就是给offer率很低的学校(10个里大概就一个)。 不过如果没收到offer也不要紧,可以参加open day,跟学校里面的人沟通一下(特别是老师,因为他们手上有空位的话会优先给申请他们专业的学生),也许能给你加个分。 如果你已经申请了,但是还没收到任何消息,你也可以发邮件去询问。

不过提醒一点,很多学校的offer都是分轮次发的,所以别指望你申请的时候学校就会马上给你回信。一般要等到4-6个月以后,甚至更久。而且那时候你的条件可能早就不符合他们的招生要求了…… 当然,如果你本身硬件条件非常优秀,还是有机会的!比如我在等manchester offer的时候,有一个同学刚好去那里参加open day,虽然她当时已经收到了其他几个学校(包括ucl、kcl、lse)的offer,但还是因为很喜欢这座城而选择去了Manchester!然后她就在open day上拿到了offer…



这个问题问得,感觉就像“牛津是不是好学校” 一样的.... in the same way that Oxford is a university(in England) into is not an institution of higher education but it's just the name for what English-speakers call 'school' (which isn't really a school at all). so we have schools called high schools or junior high schoo/kindergarten and then there are universities, colleges and academies where you can study things up to degree level like BA degrees, MA degrees etc. In Scotland I guess they use another word too which sounds similar to "High School" as well as something else now. I don't know about other places though because this is my home town, London. It was written on Wikipedia by one person last year who knows loads about these terms. Not everyone agrees with him but he has got good info and his links prove everything he says is true. The top line link doesn't work becasue i used the wrong words when writing them down here. You will need to click on every single bit of text from the page to find out if your question gets answered OKAY PLEASE TELL ME IF IT DOESN'T!!!
