1.B2签证的官方解释是:Visit for Business and Tourism 商务和旅游(两者取其一) B2签证是美国非移民签证中的一种,发给赴美国进行商业往来或旅游的人员。此签证不规定被签者可以在美停留的时间,只根据其在美国的活动及所提供材料的真实性来决定其是否可以延续签证或在签证过期后是否可合法留美延期。 B-2签证适用于计划以旅游目的进入美国的人士包括: 以旅游为目的进入美国; 在美国逗留期间为短期的探亲; 参加各种形式的聚会、会议和展览等。
2.F1学生签证的官方解释是:The F-1 Visa is a Nonimmigrant (temporary) visa granted to international students who wish to attend colleges or universities in the United States. The student must maintain a full course of study, which requires that each week he/she be enrolled in classes averaging at least 18 hours per week with some combination of academic courses, language training and/or vocational preparation. F1签证是一种非移民类短期签证,颁发给来美国就读的学生。学生必须在全时间全日制的上课(一周上满18小时,并需要一些课程是学术课)。
3.J1签证的官方解释是: The J-1 visa is also known as the Exchange Visitor Program, sponsored by the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs. It allows people from other countries to come to the U.S temporarily on specialized programs such as summer camps, teaching English as a foreign language , studying at American Universities, working as Doctors through the National Resident Matching Program, participating in research projects under the auspices of the Fulbright Student Program, being trained in medical specialties within the framework of the International Health Fellowship Programs, taking part in short-term professional exchange through the Fulbright Scholar program, attending cultural activities organized by various government agencies , etc. A wide range of educational 和professional fields are covered by this visa category including business, technology, law, medicine,and public affairs among others. J1是一种非移民类的长期签证是由美国国务院的文化与教育事务局管理的交流访问者项目。这个项目的目的是为了促进文化交流以及让美国公民了解世界各地的风土民情,同时也加强了不同国家间的经济联系。
4.Diversity Visa 签证也叫EB3移民签证,是由USCIS(美国移民局)审理的,由EB5签证中产生的6700个移民名额而得名的,所以又被叫做“绿卡抽签”。 DV签证于每年的十月份抽取六万份签证的名额,如果中签,申请人的移民签证会获得审批,从而顺利拿到永久绿卡。 中签者的配偶和孩子也可以同时申请签证,不过只能申请为非移民签证,在得到永久居住权之后才可以申请转为移民签证。 DV签证申请人没有学历要求,也不需要证明拥有充足的资金或是满足其它任何排他性条件的要求。但是必须达到以下的基本要求才行:年龄在18岁至50岁之间;在美国没有任何的直系亲属;过去九年之内至少有一年在申根国家以外的第三国合法居留;无犯罪记录。