首先,可以很明确的告诉大家,雅思口语part3是可以背诵的。 毕竟考试是为了提高和保证英语的使用能力,所以如果某些语法知识点或表达方式自己掌握了,但是就是记不住,那就背一背也无妨。在考场上使用自己的准备内容并不会显得突兀。 在练习和准备时,就尽量多用一些高级词汇、固定搭配以及同义词替换,这样在答题时就能做到流利且富有逻辑性。并且要注意把握答题时间,以防出现答不完的情况。
对于Part 3的问题,大家在备考的过程中应当积累一定的答题素材,然后熟练应对问题。其实,每个part 3的问题都可以分为“现象-原因-解决”这三个角度来回答的。大家可以尝试着从这几个方面思考该回答的内容。还应该掌握一些补充语料。
答:I like reading novels in which the characters and plot are very well designed. For example, I am currently reading “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini and I find myself thinking about the main character’s journey through life after reading each page. There are also many other examples such as Jane Eyreby Charlotte Bronte, Wuthering Heightsby Emily Bronte or Harry Potter by JK Rowling that capture my imagination and make me feel like a child again.