

1.part 1 问的是学习方面的事,比如你是什么学校毕业的啊、你的专业是什么啊等等;然后会给你一个题目让你说说对这个题目的看法(可以随便挑一个你喜欢的题目讲)。注意:在回答有关学校的问题是要夸大其词一些(比如说学校的设施怎么怎么好之类的...),回答有关专业的问题时可以说自己的专业很难学但是很感兴趣之类的话。这样会给考官留下一种你英语水平不错的印象。

2.Part 2&3 是给你一篇长度适中的文章,有6个问题。回答问题要运用自己准备的素材,同时还要加入一些简单的答案拓展(举个例子说一下为什么你喜欢这篇文章之类的),然后每个问题都要说明回答的理由。注意:在回答问题时语速不要太快也不要太慢,适当即可;语音准确是必要的,但没必要刻意模仿英美的发音方式,因为这样反而会显得不够自然。

3.Part 4 这个问题是关于你对某个问题的见解。考官会从题库中抽出一个问题来问你,这个问题的范围很广,所以你平时要有意识的练一下如何表达自己的观点。当然回答这些问题时一定要符合你自己的身份,是一个学生的就可以了,不用特意去套用模版。


I do have one chance to go to a live performance. My sister knew some actors and actresses from a theatre in my hometown, and she was permitted to invite some friends to watch their rehearsal for a comedy for free, so I went. It was a lot of fun, and I felt I could actually see how the actors were putting on the performance as I was really close to them.

Yes, about three years ago, a couple of friends and I watched a local rock band perform at a club. I can not say that I am really a fan of this kind of music, but I went with them because they knew some of the members of the band. We had some drinks, and the band began to play some live music about half an hour later. At first, there wasn't much reaction from the audience, but after a while, more and more people started to sway and dance, and when the band began playing that one hit that was pretty popular at the time, almost everyone stood up. It made me realize that the band was quite good.
