

首先,Sai是Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel的简称,中文直译是“上镜率与音频率高级委员会”,是位于巴黎的一个政府机构;而saïennes指的是由这个机构选拔出来的演员、导演等影视从业者。 SAI负责审批法国电视节目和电影的预算,并监督节目的拍摄。在电影方面,他们负责给新导演提供贷款(相当于预支薪酬),以及决定新片的配额——根据他们的批准,才能正式开拍。而在电视剧方面,则是审查剧集的预算和演员的片酬。

要成为SAI成员,候选人必须拥有法国国籍,并在电影或电视行业中有过一定数量的作品。至于是否具有国际影响力则不是入选的条件之一,所以尽管外国观众可能更加熟悉让·雷诺或是奥黛丽·塔图,但他们是不会出现在SAI名单上的。 在电影行业工作多年且已退休的Jean-Marie Durand曾这样评价SAI的重要性:“有了他们(指SAI),一部影片能够顺利开机,而没有他们,一部影片就只能躺在片场了。” 由于需要审批的项目很多,而且需要严格遵循公平、客观的原则,因此SAI的工作并不像人们想象的那么随意。虽然有时会接受外部专家(如律师)的建议,但他们做出的最终决策都是独立的。 值得一提的是,尽管SAI隶属于文化部,但从成立之初便独立于该部门运作。


SAI = Ecole Supérieure De Chimie (ENS) Paris = Paris-Palais de la découverte ENS Paris. SACY, ECP & PPC are all part of the same school and follow a similar educational system to other schools in Europe with regards chemistry, physics etc... In addition to that there's also an industrial section for engineering but only after one year of studies so this is not included in SAIs core curriculum unless you want to take it as your minor or major(2nd cycle) degree. You need a Bachelors degree in order to be eligible though which means about four years if you choose English or three+10 months on average at least in French institutions because I know someone who did her Master’s program from here and was studying in english too. The degrees are accredited internationally by several universities worldwide like Oxford, Cambridge…etc so they can go anywhere. There's no difference whatsoever between french and international students except tuition fees and language barriers.
