这个很简单,首先,我们来看一下VISA的官方解释: 然后我们来看看,目前市面上有哪些种类的签证? 按照VISA的种类分的话可以分成以下几种:
1. Tourist Visa (676), this is the most commonly issued visa for Chinese nationals visiting Australia, and it is also known as the subclass 600 tourist visa;
2. Business Visa (600), which allows you to visit with a business purpose rather than pleasure but still requires that your plans are genuine;
3. Visitor’s Health Insurance Policy, in addition to meeting all other requirements of your visa category, you must provide proof of having adequate medical insurance coverage while you are in Australia;4. Working Holiday Maker visa(462), a two-year visa for young adults aged between 18 and 30 years old; or
5. Student Visa(500/590), used by international students travelling to study at an approved educational institution, like Monash University. These visas have many different classifications depending on what level of education they need to undertake. You can find more information about these visas here: URL .
一、Visitor details: 1. Name, date of birth and nationality;2. Passport number & expiry dates;3. Date & place of arrival & departure;4. Place of residence, contact numbers & address. 二、Immigration details: 1. Subclass & validity;2. Entry & exit details;3. Authorised officer’s name & signature 三、Processing Information: 1. Immigration file number;2. Processing Centre 四、Security Statement: 五、Authorized Signature: 六、Seal Number:
那么,我们可以在上面找到的信息来分辨真假了呢?其实从上面的文字和图片来看,要辨别真伪还是比较容易的。如果实在不放心的话,大家可以去澳大利亚驻中国大使馆或是领事馆网站查询一下,看自己所持签证是否已经被批准了就可以了哦~ 目前我知道的是澳大利亚在中国的所有使领馆都可以查到,但是不知道别的国家是不是也可以查自己国家的使馆或者领馆呢?有知道的知友麻烦告诉我一声哈~ 以上是我的回答啦!希望大家都能顺利拿到自己的签证哦!