不需要,迪拜是免签国家之一 去迪拜旅游可以走旅行社团签,也可以自己办理申根签(欧洲、美国等国家都可以)。从香港出发的机票会比大陆的便宜一半左右!而且可以直接过境 Dubai is one of the countries that are on the Visa Waiver List. To enter, you just have to meet a few requirements: hold an onward or return ticket and be in possession of a valid passport with at least six months validity remaining from date of arrival (and no expiration dates) as well as proof of adequate funds and travel insurance. You can stay for up to three months, but most visitors will probably find themselves staying much less than this. If you choose to do so however, remember that your visa will automatically expire after these three months. The entry stamp into Dubai does state the duration of permission given though; if you’re using the Emirates Airport Express Train then it should say ‘3 Months’ on there! 所有中国护照持有者都可享受为期一年的多次入境阿联酋免签待遇。自2016年8月1日起生效,有效期至2017年7月31日。中国公民可在任何一次往返途中连续逗留90天。
根据阿联酋官方消息,此优惠政策适用于持中国普通护照的中国公民以及持其他非阿联酋永久居留身份的中国籍外国人。 中国籍旅客无需事先申请签证即可入境迪拜和阿布扎比,停留期最长为90天(允许在每次入境时累计停留不超过90天)。 不过,中国公民前往沙迦仍需提前申请办理电子签证,而前往阿治曼、乌姆盖万等酋长国则需要在迪拜或阿布扎比国际机场接受检查,并由海关人员决定其是否可获得过境签证以继续旅程。