

1、去老挝必须办理老挝旅行签证,只有商务签和工作签两种,旅游签证不开放。 2、去老挝可以找代办公司办理,一般费用是300-500元之间一个护照,包含代办签证以及国际往返机票和接机服务(含国内城市至昆明的机票),代办公司有专门的司机,所以不用担心在老挝的出行问题,至于司机的老挝语是否标准就不得而知了;还有一种方式就是自己办理签证和机票,自己乘坐航班到达老挝的首都万象,然后在机场乘坐出租车到酒店入住,这样比较省钱,但是需要自己去办理签证,而且老挝很多地方的公共交通不是很发达,出行很不方便。

3、老挝这个国家比较小,主要景点集中在琅勃拉邦市和万象市,所以建议如果只是想游玩这两个地方的话可以考虑购买联程机票直飞万象,这样可以省掉一些中间路程的时间,如果是想游玩更多的地方还是建议大家选择转机的方式,因为老挝境内交通不太方便且价格较贵。 4、目前直飞老挝的航线有昆明-万象、重庆-万象,转机航线有成都-曼谷-琅勃拉邦、成都-曼德勒-琅勃拉邦等城市。

5、另外由于中国与老挝处于不同的时区,所以到达老挝后可能会觉得有点晕眩,不过休息一晚就能恢复了! 关于出入境方面就没有什么要注意的了,跟其他东南亚国家一样,携带的物品不要太多,不然出境时会受到检查!


Lao 15/30 visa is a short stay Laos tourist e-Visa.

The maximum length of validity for this Lao Visa is only two days (validity can be reduced) but it's the cheapest option with fees starting from less than USD6, and valid for up to one month after arrival in country(this means that you have time to do what ever you want before leaving the country on your flight back home).

It will cost less if booked online at http://www.visalao.com or http://visa-laos.net. If booking offline, prices are about double and there is a high risk of getting scammed as well by fake travel agencies all over SE Asia, so we suggest paying extra money via the web sites above! It would take around 72 hours processing the application.

Note: You need an internet connection when booking these visas and some websites may block access if you use VPN etc to prevent fraudulent payment. You could try to book them directly through Facebook too, just search "VISALAO" on Facebook(the account has been created since Januaray), but I found out last week they were not able to print receipts until they got approval from their boss. We still managed to get our passes printed yesterday, no worries~.
